Monday, July 1, 2013

Poetry: The Princess of Sorrow

I cry through shaking hands,
You deprive me of what I give freely.
When facing your words, naked I am,
As you contrive your hurt for me daily.
Bathed by your words I am twelve again,
Ravaged by this pain you dare me to stand.

Kiss my cheek this night,
And tuck me into your bed of sorrow.
Battered and beaten,
I live to see tomorrow.

This pretty little collection of bruises and scars,
Marks my soul like planets and stars.
Where you sought to neuter the fight in my heart,
I fought to keep it from tearing apart.

Through the fire I defy your plan,
I find strength where you say I can't.
Your abuse gave birth to a beautiful,
Righteous, woman, strong and divine.
So on this night you can kiss my ass,
Because I stand just fine.

I cry through shaking hands from the laughter
As I close the book on your chapter...

~ Ebony

Cumming Soon:  Music to Sex to, S&M Around the House, The Spank

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