Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Poetry: Now That You're Gone

Words unspoken between us,
A thousand words per silent moment.
Sometimes every effort is not enough,
As the sands of time leave us stale and broken.

In a straight jacket drowning in your absence,
I helplessly sink to the depths of sadness.
Life without you is life without life,
Color dull, food void of taste, fruit never ripe.

Tears flood my heart with internal screaming,
Unable to coherently regain my composure.
Fear of the unknown as I watch you leaving,
Tangled are the roads that now pave my closure.

Faith in tomorrow, the glue that holds today together,
Shipwrecked on your questions we are forever severed.
Omnipotent we are not to know your truest fears,
Omni-patient I have been in the name of keeping you near.

I am left with silence to accompany my misery,
The reality that you would never listen to me.
My heart worth more than the gold you spit on,
As I have nothing left to say now that your gone.


Call Me Crazy
Liquid Courage
Butterfly Ice
Come Between My Pages 
Death of a Butterfly 
Torturous Bliss 
He said She said
Lie To Me
The Clown Princess of Sorrow
Harmonica Orgasm
Bondage Around the House
Whisper Orgasm

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