Saturday, February 12, 2022

Your Eyes


Drowning in the expanse of your eyes,

My lips whisper to the pulse of your soul.

The sweet taste of your struggled cries,

Your body trembles but not from the cold

Trapped in your essence I am mesmerized,

Endless pool from which there is no return.

Electric calm that builds from deep inside. 

Passion that had spills and threatens to burn. 

This moment that slows to a bated breath,

Stands still at the summit where we touch.

A frozen glimpse of your euphoric death,

I drink in with a want that is never enough. 


HERE! the second half of your journey

Sleeping Beauty


I see Sleeping Beauty differently,
Her hair is not blonde and straight,
It's dark brown, curly, and a bit frizzy,
With as much elegance and grace

Skin with the hue of caramel,
Soft, silken and smooth.
Kisses capable of love spells,
With lips as full as the moon.

Dark brown eyes with the depth of night,
Agaze enough to lose yourself inside.
Her smile feels like the warmth of sunrise,
When it shines just a little too bright. 

It took a lifetime to say I found you,
Traveled a world for just one kiss.
I'm a witness that the stories are true,
A confession that magic exists. 


Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Poetry: I Dislike Missing You

I spend my time missing you,

More than I have ever had you.

I wallow in a construction of the truth,

Where life is the wall that splits us in two.

Our time pieces together like a mosaic,

From abandoned parts of ourselves.

Moments that have become too erratic, 

Peddler of dreams we can no longer sell. 

My days are spent wading adrift,

Currency exchange for just one kiss.

A role that I play to simply exist,

I patiently wait for a time to live.



Poetry: Courtroom

Your case yearns this verdict,

Let me touch your burden of proof.

Show your exculpatory evidence,

It’s justice in your courtroom.

I love hearing your plea’s,

During my oral arguments.

Disclose to me your felony,

While I taste your indictment.

Remove those articles,

I want to admire your jurisdiction.

Remand your collateral,

On my subpoenas injunction.

I lay claim to your appeal,

Enjoy motions from your counsel.

Admissive and concealed 

I make love to your acquittal.



Poetry: Drifting


I lift my hands from the wheel,

Calculated risk of random resignation.

Tight, smooth leather, pulled over steel,

Left on its own in search of a destination.

Adrift I wander from left to right,

To live I risk losing myself.

Running into everything called life,

I realize that I want nothing else.

Reclined I adjust my headrest,

I don’t mind the hum of the unknown.

This vehicle seems to run on stress,

That struggle to call someone ‘home’.

My life lacks alignment,

My transmission seems to be slipping.

I don’t know where I went.

All I know is that this is not living.

My surroundings are driven by traffic,

I was a young man when I sat in this car.

My direction now seems a bit pragmatic,

Maybe I’m an old man driven too far.



Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Poetry: I’m Sorry


I’m sorry you’re not enough,

Tipping scales of the unfair.

‘Look honey this is love’,

Tattered dreams worn and frail.

I’m sorry you’re so imperfect,

Blind standards of what we deserve.

I speak only in muddled curses,

Possession, my only concern.

I’m sorry you’re always wrong,

Conflict is our sweetest ballad.

Failure has become our only song,

An ode to this love of sadness.

I am sorry if I am mean,

This is all that is left of me.

From the outside looking in I can’t see.

Veil that adorns my apology.



Poetry: Wanted

I find jealousy when I think of nature.

Trees will never settle for sunlight.

Rain can never feel neglected be grass.

Pollen will never know what it is to disappoint bees.

To feel sought after for what you are, not what you could be.

To feel a draw because it equates to life.

To be wanted so terribly that nothing else matters, 

When being apart is incomplete.

To feel what nature has so perfectly,

A relation that happens naturally,

When any part of that is something,

And that smallest anything is everything.

A daydream that melts away to a feeling,

To not know what exactly is missing.

Yet know enough to label it ‘something’, 

Is my existence with the world around me. 
