Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Instructions II - Unseen *18+ older



He has avoided calling her, he is very proud. Her absence has become a noise that drowns out his day to day. The light drains from his day, color seems to find amusement in draining from his surroundings. His breakfast has been gone too long from his lips. Patiently he waits. Busy is something that is a constant state, it is not an achievement it is a reality. Never a dull moment, always on the move, yet the sound gets louder. More and more he finds trouble in paying attention to all that is his life. Patiently he waits. 

His phone comes to life, a text from her. Like water colors, hues begin to bleed in to the world surrounding the phone. Yet he continues to wait. There is a tone that must be nurtured, an element in all of this that cannot be sacrificed for urges or desires. Abstinence, to refrain from something; in this case, to isolate ones self from satisfying a desire in a campaign to enjoy fully the next event that may come. Also in this case, her. 

He opens his phone, and sees her text, 'I miss you.' He smiles and replies, 'I want you.' She types, but nothing comes through. She has an iPhone and it shows that she cannot commit to an idea. She types and deletes, or he assumes so. Her text comes through, 'It has been too long, I'm mad at you for not contacting me.'  With that slight smile on his face, one which she thoroughly enjoys, he texts her, 'Come see me two Thursdays from today.'. Quickly she replies, 'You dodging me being mad at you?' With a playful tone, 'No, I am just fast forwarding to when I have you in my hands and you can think of nothing else.' As quickly as she reads his message she replies with a middle finger emoji. He texts her back, 'Does 10am work for you?'. Reluctantly she replies, 'Yes'.

In an effort to give in to her slightly he concedes, 'I have missed you, I have wanted you, but I have chosen to wait for you.' She takes her time to reply but does not. He seems a bit upset over this but instead regains his composure and types, 'Would you like your new set of instructions? If you cannot comply I totally understand.' She replies, 'And if I can't?', he jabs, 'Then we will reconvene to a time when you can.' An eternity seems to go by as he waits for her to reply. "She is doing this on purpose." he whispers to himself. She texts him, 'Send it.'

Almost with a clinical delivery he messages her:

-You will be clean shaven.
-You will arrive without panties and braless.
-You will come in and lock the door behind you.
-On the first desk to your left you will see a white mask, stand in front of that mask.
-Behind you will be another door, do not turn around, I will not be in the room when you enter.
-Put on the mask, fasten the mask comfortably.
-Say the following words, "I am ready"
-I will then enter the room from behind you to expose your breasts.
-You will lean forward on the desk and we will commence.

A moment passes and she replies, 'Fuck'. He smiles. 'Will you comply?' he persists. His phone reads, 'yes...' and the date is set. He leans back and looks around with no expression yet filled with oxygen. He looks around at his office with a touch of melancholy. As if fondly remembering how color looked in his life and enjoying its return. Armed with an objective he sets out to create this mask she must wear. In his mind he has already crafted this and it almost seems like a waste of time getting to the end product. It will be decorative, plane white, with cloth over the eyes to obstruct all sight. It will be elegant, straps, a ribbon made from satin. It will be a fine product made with meticulous care and love for the stage he wants to set. He is happy.

She fought to not text him, it was a battle waged within herself. A single mother of three her life was very busy, much like his. Where in his world her absence was a drowning noise hers was the lack of silence. She missed being able to hear herself breathe when he touched her skin. Desired, wanted, made to feel beautiful, these are the things missing from her life. Where she was resigned to put her family before what she needed, she was only human and struggled with doing for herself. He was a hole in her life and he completely filled it when they were together. The same could not be said from some of her past relationships. She wanted him from the beginning and now he wants her too, even if it is for a short moment. A second with him seams like an eternity and time away from him seams longer. There is a tinge of nervousness that comes with this relationship. The long game could bring pain, disappointment, but right simply is and she would deal with that as she went deeper into the rabbit hole. Right now she needs a break from her life. His presence raises her blood pressure and his instructions are driving her mad with anticipation.

The first set of instructions that started this, stunned her but she quickly decided that it was an opportunity to experience what is only seen in the movies. She embraced it, and never thought it would turn out as good as it did. She may have become addicted to this but has not decided yet. She will think on it none stop until she is in rout to him. It's almost like enjoying an inside joke. Everyone asks what she is smiling about, and she says 'it's nothing'. Her week and weekend have flown by with anticipation, in an almost haze like happiness. She finds herself in the shower with an overwhelming thought that 'tomorrow' is the day. The day I get to feel him again, to lose control, to give herself fully. She begins to feel that stirring, her hips begin to sway to the water funneling down her thighs. The urge grows as she begins to lather her skin with soap, hands passing over her curves. Her nipples harden and she then knows that she is in trouble. Without thought she turns the water temperature to cold and barks out, 'FUCK!'. She did not want to have finish in the shower before tomorrow. She wanted those to be his, because he pulls as many out of her as she can handle and she wants to make sure she can handle as much as he wants. It is hard for her to sleep but she manages.

It is morning and it is quiet, thoughts of him and what he can do to her body have quieted the life around her. The only noise is a barely audible stroke of the razor on her legs. With great meticulousness she shaves her legs clean taking great care to not nick any part of her skin. So that her legs are flawless. She wants them as smooth as the skin on his head when he shaves. She loves that feeling between her thighs. Because she has no idea what will happen she can only hope he makes it there. The last time was exhilarating, just the idea of walking back into his office makes her heart rate simmer a bit. 

Almost as if in remote control she makes it to her van and is half way there before realizing that she didn't even know how she got there. Everything is surreal and she decides to just enjoy that lack of thought, the overwhelming feeling of anticipation. She smiles and tries to adjust how she is sitting. She is wet and doesn't want to leave a mark on her sundress. No panties is a cruel joke that he tortures her with. It's like walking into a sauna without being allowed to sweat. She smiles again. Her destination approaches and she slows to drive over the speed bumps. She can feel the gravity on her vagina by simply going over the speed bumps. As she pulls in she accepts that she is extremely turned on. 

He has been working all morning trying to stay ahead of schedule. Before when he had her for breakfast there was more difficulty staying on task. He has improved his concentration. This moment in time, this little adventure. As much as he enjoys it, is not for him, it is for her. Every shutter, trembling sensation, every palpitation, every orgasm she is inspired to have is for her and will stay with her for a very long time. He understands this and respects it. He smiles, looking at the mask that he made her, he believes it is perfect. It is made of smooth plastic the color of white. A soft cloth was cut to fit the eyeholes and were carefully glued on to obstruct all sight. The original strings to tie on the mask were made of a basic material, he purchased satin ribbon to compliment the look and feel of the mask. He fastened a latch system from a chrome colored paperclip. It is easy to put on and fasten. It is perfect for her and for this. He waits. 

She parks in front of his office takes a slightly deeper breath and gets out. He sees that she took a second before she got out, he smiles. He makes his way to the adjacent room and closes the door behind him. She opens the door and the office is empty, the lights are off yet the office is lit up and very bright. The windows to the office run from the top to the bottom and are one-way windows, mirrored on the outside and clear on the inside. No one can see in but its crystal clear looking out. To the left is a second desk from where breakfast took place, and she sees the mask. She looks to the door to her right and sees that its completely shut. With a slight movement she turns to lock the door leading out of the office, it is loud. She takes a few steps to reach for the mask, her breasts sway a bit. She has a D cup with the freedom of being braless, and as an added element, they are a bit swollen. Slowly she reaches for the mask, smiles because she notices that it's handmade. With a subtle hesitation, more like enjoying that moment before she puts on the mask, she raises the mask to her face. She pulls tight the satin laces to the back where she attaches the latch. In a firm voice she says, "I am ready" and leans against the desk in front of her. 

The door opens and he quickly walks out to join her. He walks behind her, puts his hand on the front of the mask and makes sure it is fastened correctly. He says nothing. His hands fall to her side. His hands glide up her arms and he can feel her skin tighten, goosebumps. Her nipples are hard, almost painfully hard. He slides his hands over her breasts and slowly strums his fingers over her hard nipples. She inhales and it is sweet music to his ears. She is his instrument and he is about to queue up the orchestra she will become. 

The sundress she is wearing is loose around the arms. He is able to pull the front of her dress together to expose her breasts that are slightly hanging because of how she is leaning. With a small clip he is able to fasten the cloth together. His hands continue to explorer her curves. Her dress is loose fitting. She feels her dress start to slide up her thighs, she cannot contain herself but she must comply. His hands glide over skin, her curves, the smoothness of her preparations. He enjoys every nook, and she becomes more wet. His hands that have drifted to her ankles now rise to her inner thighs. With a subtle move to her vagina she feels his fingers penetrate her lips. She can feel how wet she is and begins to blush. With a hint of embarrassment she can't believe she is that wet. She instinctively widens her stance. She can feel that he has fastened her dress from behind so that no part of it is hanging. He pushes her lower on to the desk where she is now resting on her elbows and the back arms. He adjusts her so that her face is free to hang down or rest on her forearms. Her breasts are completely free and hanging and with her widened stance he says three words, "a little lower". 

He applies slight pressure to the back of her hips in a downward motion and she complies. Her lips are swollen, her clit is swollen and shines with the level of 'wet' that everything has become. He sit on the floor making sure to come up between her legs without her feeling his positioning. He playfully breathes on her lips and he sees her shutter. He watches as her vagina contracts. 'She is ready' he thinks to himself. His lips connect to hers and she pushes down against his mouth. She starts to breathe heavily. He says, "you must ask permission to cum", she says, "okay". In reality she would have said 'yes' to anything he said at this point. In disbelief she tries to pull away from him because she is about to come. With the surprise in her voice she says, "wait, I'm going to cum". He stops. She utters beneath her voice, "oh my god". He asks, "can you tell me what it feels like when I lick you?", she says, "yes". "Then when I start again tell me what you feel, as much detail as you can until it is time for you to cum then you may do so.". She is turned on by his instructions, "okay". 

He pulls her hips and lips back into his mouth and he has increased the suction he is using on her clit. "Oh", she breaths in and exhales, "your sucking my clit." He is sucking but creating space between his tongue and her clit. Where suction exist and the pressure of the suction is there but no contact, and slowly he starts to reach out with his tongue to lick specific areas of her clit, the top, the hood, the bottom, in different motions. "Oh, your licking different areas, but your sucking isn't stopping." her voice is trembling. "Oh fuck", she doesn't think she will make it much longer. She starts to say, "I'm cumming, I...", but before she can get out another syllable he pushes hard on her clit, increases the friction and she cums on his mouth. Her vagina convulses and contracts. Her hips contract down as she is cumming. His hands strum her nipples as they hang. This is how you play this instrument, the beautiful music she makes when played properly', runs through his mind, 'She is beautiful, she is powerful.'. She came again almost seconds after she thought she had finished and begins to tremble. She contract over and over again with a final exclamation to end this round. 

Slowly he works his way back to his feet. She is still breathing heavily as he fondles her breasts. They are beautifully large and have a great shape as gravity pulls on them. He pinches her nipples very hard with two fingers and with the rest of his hand palms with great pressure the rest of her breasts and pulls her up to stand. She is still blind folded. He turns her to her left and makes her walk to the window. He makes her put her hands on the window and makes her lean slightly on the window. He tells her, "don't move". Everything falls silent. The glass is a bit warm as the sun starts to do its thing against the glass. A flash of concern crosses her mind, 'is this really just a one way mirror?'. She knows that she cannot see in when she arrives and tries to calm herself as that electricity mounts, the unknown, the exposure. She smiles because it is exhilarating. He taps her feet to widen. He click something on and there is a low hum. She looks over her shoulder instinctively but cannot see. He has a toy for her. He inserts the toy, in and out and she can feel the vibration of it. He asks her, "can you hold this inside of you if I let go?", she whispers to him, "yes". "Do you trust me?", he asks and she replies, "yes". "Don't move no matter what you hear.", "okay" she whispers to him.

 He lets go and her concentration is on holding it in. The feeling that she gets when she contracts is a constant and is steadily rising. The door lock clanks. She thinks, 'did he unlock the door?'. Her electricity of the moment is off the charts. It is like a noise that seems to be too loud. He returns just as she loses her grip on her toy. He slowly pushes it deep inside of her. She asks, "did you unlock the door?..." she was only able to make it to the second word when she started to finish again. He is now seated in front of her and starts sucking on her breasts. She stands and is about to take off her mask and ask again, "did you unlock the door?", his reply is, as he grabs her wrists, "do you trust me?". She concedes, "yes". He pulls her wrists behind her and pulls her close to him. He says, "sit down slowly", she starts to sit and he inserts her toy again. The vibration is considerably lower but she is very sensitive and can feel it the same. He pulls her close to him, and kisses her. She is mesmerized by his feel. She loves his lips on hers, and with a slight taste of herself she is on fire for him. He whispers to her, "I want you kissing me the next time you cum. I want to feel your breathing change as you cum. I want to hear your voice whisper that you are cumming. I want to know what it feels like to embrace your essence." 

His words hit her hard. They echo quietly in her mind, she has never heard anything like that. Her pleasure grows as the low hum in the air gets louder. Her concern for this connection grows with each breath that brings her to a climax. In front of a one way mirror to the street, with an 'unlocked' door, sitting on this man that has my pleasure at all volumes, and he says the craziest line she has ever heard, all she can do, is cum. They break from kissing as her entire body contracts and whispers in a sweet and low voice, "I'm cumming", she lays her head on his shoulder and repeats it over and over again as he releases her hands and embraces her. 

Moments later he is back to work, and she is driving away. She is consumed with replaying every minute of what she just went through. It was amazing, exciting, mind blowing, she simply runs through every adjective she can think of. She tries to wrap her brain around it. How something so fantastic can be had. The fantasy of it all. She has much to think about as the two are separated again, in their orbit around their passion. She hopes that it does not last as long as the last time. She utters out loud the most maddening part of these last two entanglements, "he still won't let me touch him". With that subtle realization she comes to the conclusion that she is either addicted to him and what he does or falling in love with him. Deep down she prays it's just an addiction. She can deal an addiction. In the mean time she is going to enjoy this as long as she can. She is beautiful, powerful, and she roars, 'yeah I just roared all over the office.' she thinks to herself and she laughs.  

The end.


Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Freaky Fact: Bondage Around The House 2 *18+ older*

    We are back with another installment of Freaky Facts, more specifically Bondage. The last post I had about bondage was fun but I have always felt that this is a never ending topic so we need to expound. Should we review the last post about bondage? No, I am going to follow the advice my brother gave me, "trust your audience". With that being said you can check it out if you need a refresher on what I'm talking about here - Bondage Around House.

    So lets get started, shall we? First off I am a kink, a deviant, a 'whatever adds spice to sex' type of person. There is no judging and everyone likes what they like and that should be the end of it. Bondage is the greatest on so many levels because of the naughtiness required. There's something intoxicating about losing control to a partner. My goal is to show you how it can be done at home with success and with the greatest of pleasures.

    Last time I gave you a list of household items that can easily be used for bondage, I may be referring to them or possibly adding to that list so stay with me as we get into it. I believe it is time to go into the application of bondage at home, not just the imagination of bondage at home.

    In the BDSM world there is a style of bondage called Rope. Basically, it is the art of using actual rope for restraint and submission. Suspension is involved but I will not be going into that because you need Jedi level experience and training. What I do like about the idea of rope, is that you don't need a lot to restrain someone, it is all about how you tie them up that will make this work.

Today’s household play thing will be a regular tall backed chair, one used usually at the diner table or a desk. Suggestion number one, blind fold her for this, it will give the best results.

    Everyone has at some point or another sat backwards in a chair. What you want to do is have her sit this way. Make sure she is wearing some type of disposable panties and bra or naked. You will be cutting them off if she has them on so make sure they are either purchased for this occasion, (spend the money guys or ladies, it’s worth it). The hope is that you do not have a massive throne style chair so that this position can work optimally. You will be using two of her watches or a watch and a bracelet. They will be on her wrists and you will use them to bind her hands to the chair with rope. Have her place her head on the back of the chair to gauge her position. You want her chin just above the back of the chair. Tie her hands to the upper corners of the chair, if the chair has no place to tie them, simply tie them together. Please don't try to have her wrists unite like a set of handcuffs, this isn't an episode of Cops as long as the tether that binds her hands are tight enough to restrict their movement great. The idea is that she still be able to hold the back of the chair when things get going.

    Her feet will be bound by her shoes, more specifically heels that have a strap. Suggestion number two that can elevate your freak game, take the time to find out her shoe size and buy her a pair of shoes that suites the need (and that looks good too). If you can successfully find a shoe she actually likes and you bought it for this little sex foray than she may be up for something like this on the regular. If you like this stuff, THAT IS THE PURPOSE; that she loves it so much she wants to do this as often as you do. Please keep your wits and you may start something glorious. 

    Back to the shoes. You will tie them to the front legs of the chair with rope and the strap of her high-heels. If she looks like she is riding a motorcycle and it looks uncomfortable, she needs to slide that booty further off the chair so that she is more seated. The idea is that her vajay-jay hang just off the edge of her chair. It will allow for the best access and exposure. 

    For this part of the project you will need to devise a plan. You cannot just tie her up and then you're like, "so you like that?". If you need guidance take a second to do some homework and put together a plan. For beginners here is a good guideline. Sensations, spontaneity, and penetration. If she has panties on you will have to cut them off, so you will need scissors. Make sure they can cut what your cutting, BE PREPARED!  If she has oils that she likes, use them on the exterior of her person only. I personally like using scented lubrication because you just can't stick anything inside the vagina and at least lubrication takes the guess work out of it. Give that booty a slap, give those nipples a pinch, for every action that brings discomfort you MUST pleasure her. Even if it is slightly. It's give and take, a slap brings sharp pain, titillation is the reward. Most importantly when she is aroused and you're playing with her, you don't want her to cum. You're fired if you make her finish before you're done. The whole point is that this turns into an event that takes some time to complete. This is called Edging. I could write for days on how wonderful Edging is but for this post we will just describe it as, playing with her and not finishing her. Remember that you can also use vibrators too, they will push her fast to the edge so unless you are skilled at it, it's just a suggestion but not necessary. You can put your phone in a sandwich baggie if you don't have a vibrator. There are apps you can download on to your phone that can simulate a vibrator. You shouldn't have an issue with going to buy one either, that would be dumb. Who wouldn't want to buy tools for sexing? Lastly, before we move on to the grand finally of this sexual opus, make her tell you when she is about to cum. One, it's unbelievably sexy when a woman says those wonderful words but it also tells you when to stop. Slap her on the ass one good time and make her promise to tell you when she is cumming; tell her she is 'not allowed to finish until you say so'.

    Hopefully we fast forward to a point where she is begging you to finish her or she is extremely happy/horny and you think it is time that she have an orgasm. You can do one of a few things. This is a beginners level event, so you can simply ask her to tell you to give her an orgasm, or to say anything sexy that begs for release. Be smart with what you want her to say, in the heat of things she may say anything but she will have to live with it. Don't have her say dumb shit. If the chair is short enough or you are tall enough you can have her suck on you to finish her, it could be a trade but this is not Barter Town so you could just reward her with an epic finish to a nicely executed bondage/edging fest.

   Now if you want to raise your difficulty level from beginner to aspiring 'non-beginner', (I don't really know what to call you if you are not a beginner so you come up with something on your own), try the following. If your woman is nestled nicely in that chair, you can tilt it forward to drag the chair and your woman. If she is still blind folded this may give her a jolt of adrenaline and excitement. Drag her to the couch, if the couch has a sturdy armrest you may be able to lean her against that armrest where she will be leaned forward nicely. You may need to do this against the back of the sofa, or the edge of a bed, but it all depends on what furniture you have. What happens is, her butt will be nicely arched up in the air just high enough for you to give her a good dick to finish her off. Don't forget to make her ask you for it. Just be mindful of her stability, she cannot afford to fall over, that would be 100% failure. Don't get lost in the moment, this is more about her than it is you at this point. In a BDSM relationship there must be balance between what you take from her and what you give her for it. So respect that!

    Who has the power in a BDSM relationship? The one who is dominant or the one who is submissive? Think about that and enjoy bondage around the house.


Friday, March 6, 2020

Instruction - Breakfast


    There is history between them. Fate keeps them apart. Fate has its reasons. Yet on occasion their attraction is undeniable. Neither of them can control what they want from each other. He knows that she lets him breathe, and she knows that he grants her release. Their lives go on like any other but in the background they can hear it. Like rain falling outside, quietly calling them.

    She finds herself checking off the last of the million things she had to take care of to be free today. Usually life provides a million and one things and that almost always derails any attempt to see him. Today it’s different. Because she is proactive she angles for what could come up so that it does not. Which brings her to being away from work and driving. 

     It’s long because they live far from each other, she drives against traffic which grants her a certain level of peace as she makes her way toward him for breakfast. Her mind races, thinking of everything but him. He is distracting, and there is much to to be mindful of when taking time from her work. It is a job that is gratifying to her and warrants great responsibility; it is important to her. He is also important but in a different way. He represents the idea that there is goodness and happiness tailored for each and everyone. You just need to have the eyes for it and she knew the moment she saw him. A smile slightly dances across her lips as she remembers. 

    While going over the last real message he sent her she smiles again. She thinks to herself ‘walk in the office, say not a word. Turn around and lock the door. Remove my bra. Keep my blouse on. Walk over to him, give him a kiss and sit on his desk. Then I present him with breakfast. Yeah he’s crazy’. She smiles even more. They have been attracted to each other since the day they met. On rare occasions fate gives them a break and grants them parole from their lives, even if it’s only for one moment. She is coming.

     He sits at his desk in his office. Trying to focus on work but he is not as proficient as she. He has not stayed in communication with her since she confirmed she could make it. Almost like a sweet buzz in the air he has patiently waited for another meeting with her. There is a fire that burns for her, it lays in wait. Complains only when she cannot come to him fast enough. Focus, he has to finish work before she arrives, he wants no delays or distractions. He is good at what he does and he has plans for her. Like a deep sea diver finally coming up for air. With his lungs on fire he remains patient. He sees the light and she’s coming like the dawn. 

     There was a time that seemed only like yesterday when they saw each other a lot but things, life, was not making it easy for them then. And where life has eased up a bit they still have, complications. Yet the magnetism remains and it is persistent. He plans to drink her in like a fine wine. Taste of her spirits and savor her ingredients. To himself, he has decided that he has not done this enough. To taste of her soul, to have her finish on his pallet. This needs to happen more and when it does, patience must prevail to truly enjoy that level of sweetness.

    His productivity has slowed to a crawl and he has given up on work. Now his focus is on his desk. Where she will sit, where she will be. She was instructed to be pantiless and bra less. ‘Will she be moist?’ He thinks to himself. ‘Good question.’ He removes all papers from his desk. He removes anything that may hurt her should she want to lay back or engage the desk in any way. He wants her splayed out on his desk as though she were a calendar. He will count the days, weeks and months until she begged him to stop. He smiles, sits back and waits as she arrives.

    She parks her van, takes a moment to be calm. She tries to play it cool around him, where normally she is a pit-bull against the world. Strong and rough to the layman simply passing by, but to look deeper she is soft and in need of love, he loves this about her. She is wearing a dark colored loose fitting dress. She has left her panties at home per his request. A dark color was a must because there was no telling how wet she was going to be before or after. She smiles again as she exits the van. Her stature is very short next to his. Very curvy, curly hair shoulder length and busty. She is a Latin woman of many men’s dreams, but he calls her the best kept secret.
     He sees her before she can see him. The office has two large window panes for the office front. They are mirrored. You can see out but you cannot see in. He has the window blinds drawn. He waits for her. She looks at the door number to make sure it’s correct and walks in. She smiles again as soon as she sees him. 

    He says nothing, she says nothing, but the silence is deafening. ‘Is there anyone else here?’ Is what she tries to ask but he signals her to be quiet with a finger to his lips. He says in a low  voice, “turn off the light”. As she hits the light switch to off she notices that the office is still greatly illuminated. She looks back and sees that the windows although obstructed from the outside looked crystal clear from the inside. With a small motion of his hand he calls for her. She is about to take one step forward and stops. Next to her is another desk and she lays her purse there. She looks at him, and reaches behind her to undo her bra. She removes it through her sleeves and places it next to her purse. Her blouse is made of a light  satin material. Her breasts sway a bit at the granted freedom. Her nipples stand out from the smooth comfort of that satin. They are at attention in anticipation, hard almost to the point of discomfort. 

     His mouth waters at her proximity but he tries to stay cool. He sees that her nipples are speaking and his crotch is getting tighter. She walks to him, slowly, stands in front of him. He looks up at her and stands to look down at her, they kiss. With the air stolen from her he nudges her to sit in his desk. She does. He looks up at her as he sits down. He runs his hand up her leg and smiles. She shaved and it is smooth like a porcelain goddess. With a gentle grip to the back of her legs he places her legs and feet to rest on the arm rest of his chair.  Their eyes connect and he smiles as he reaches under her dress. With the middle of his fingers he runs them across her lips. His fingers are quickly covered in her wetness. He rubs her again and she slightly moves to his strumming. He marvels at this beauty, how the satin form fits her breasts, how her breathing has increased, how wet she is in his hands, how wet she will be in his mouth. He raises her dress.

    She looks at him. She promises herself to not be the first to look away no matter what he does. The struggle is real. His hands are warm and soft, strong and wandering. Her heart rate is starting to pick up. She is wet, ‘I’m practically dripping.’ Runs across her mind. Her eyes flutter, his touch is intoxicating. Her dress comes up over her knees, and slid down towards her thighs unassisted. She is completely shaven. He leans in closer and slides his hands under her blouse to grip her breasts, nipples first. Her breath quickens. He’s still looking at her and she’s struggles to not close her eyes. She can feels his breath on her lips. He asks her, “why has it taken so long for you to come back to me?” Her eyes close as she feels every syllable, every enunciation, each punctuation on her clit without him touching it. It is maddening. He asks again but she never really paid attention the first time he asked, and again the sensation floods her faculties. She arches her lips so that contact is made and he denies the contact until she answers. She tries to reply, ‘my job, you know that the...’ and before she can finish the sentence he sucks in her lips into his. It feels as though he has consumed her clit. The suction makes it worse. She smiles, she can feel his head between her thighs, he shaved today, it’s very smooth. A figure to her left moves and she snaps over to look and it’s someone walking outside the window. She gets a chill and a shot of adrenaline and quickly realizes that they cannot see her. It’s electrifying. ‘Slow down your breathing, don’t finish, just wait.’ Her thoughts flood her mind. ‘This feels so good.’ He tilts his head sideways and with continuous suction runs his lips across hers like a harmonica with his tongue on her clit, her heart rate quickens once more. She utters, “fuck”, and her abdomen contracts. She lays back and says ‘“wait, I’m cumming.” He stops, the world stops spinning. 

     He looks at her. He does not want her to finish. ‘No, not yet.‘ he thinks to himself. His hands find their way back to her breasts. He slides her blouse up so that they are now exposed. Her nipples are as hard  as diamonds. She looks to her left and sees another person standing not 20 feet away from her laying on this table and they cannot see her. She thinks to herself, ‘this is crazy.’ In that instant she feels one of his large fingers slide deep inside. She almost cums from the sensation. It’s building inside of her, she doesn’t know how much longer she will last. 

     He pulls her clit into his mouth with only the slightest suction. There he applies pressure and begins the torture. He creates a separation between his tongue and the tip of her clit while maintaining the suction. The pressure continues but there is no friction. It feels like a sensation is being pulled straight out of her. He then connects with his tongue, then the separation. Again, over and over. She realizes that her clit is becoming swollen from the suction and it’s increasing the sensation. It’s building even more. Her breathing is rapid and she losing control. She raises her elbow and elevates her body to look at him. It’s a plea to finish her and to never let it end. His hands go from her breasts and nipples to her wrists. He pulls her hands towards him and her entire body, her pussy, presses even more firmly against his mouth. And with a deep inhale of air, she exhales and her body begins to contract. Her torso and clit contract and his lips are firmly suctioned on to her and she is lost to her senses. The grip on her wrist loosens and he starts to lightly rub her breasts and nipples. Her body is not finished contracting. He loosens the grip his lips have on hers. Just like that it’s over. She smiles, and sits up. She can feel herself all over the table. He smiles, slightly pinches her nipples and pulls her breasts towards him, and she leans forward. He kisses her, smiles and says, “let’s go have breakfast”.

The end.
